Antisocial Media

Antisocial Media is…

An idea I’ve been playing around with for some time now. I’ve been using Twitter for a decade at this point and it has been a love hate relationship. In recent years, I’ve been doing my best to limit my time on the platform for the sake of my own sanity, but every once and a while, I have an idea/joke/comment that I “need” to put out to the 10 people who actually read my tweets and this is where AntiSocial Media comes in. Here’s the elevator pitch: it’s a Twitter client that can only do one thing, send tweets. No timeline. No search. No interactions. Just tweets.

At the moment this is just a mockup that lives in Figma, but the hope and dream is to build it out in Flutter. Flutter seems like the ideal candidate, considering how easy it would theoretically be to build an app that works across web, Android and iOS. If all goes to plan, I’ve already got some ideas in mind for how to improve Instagram next.

UPDATE: Twitter shut down their free API, making this project near impossible to pull off without an exorbitant amount of money. Oh and Twitter is dead, we’re stuck with X.